[KEY] 210923-210924 Kibum Birthday
2021. 09. 23 ~ 24
• B/ubb/le: Mom’s letter
• Instagram: Caption & Mom’s letter
13 month - Kibum's mom diary (shared by b/ubb/le)
Kibummie who climbs from the 1st floor to the 6 floor of the apartment staircase. If we were to put on your shoes for you just to go out for a walk, it isn’t walking that you will be doing but flying you are about to do.
You want to drink from your milk bottle on your own right now and you will make sure mom can’t even get a hold of it but you will borrow mom’s hand when you find it troublesome.
The front gate was just opening and you would create a ruckus wanting to go out, reading the room slightly when you sat down at the front gate while grabbing your shoes, and when you get scolded you would instantly laugh so brightly.
When I sing an exciting song for you, you would stare at only my mouth and when I sing a sad song for you, you would sniffle and looked like you are going to burst out crying anytime.
You imitated the boss with a pot belly and the moment an advertisement comes on on the TV, you would instantly run over, move your butt up and down as you dance. You are really a cute baby.
“Mom, dad, peek-a-boo, baby” is a sound you made a lot.

My birthday has passed like that
With the beyond live this Sunday and the release of my album next Monday just around the corner, I started my birthday today with work and ended it with work.
It wasn’t a day that needed to do anything but a day that I can thank those people who wished me!
Firstly, sincerely thank you mom and dad as I pay my respects to you guys. The both of you made all of my existence and identity.
Everyone in SHINee WORLD thank you so much. Whether if it’s cafes or the subway or the bus stops or etc. I am so touched to see you guys wishing me for my birthday in this world! Love you guys and thank you always.
Also my friends and staffs, thank you to all those who wished me even though you guys might not really know me.
The birthday today was one that I was able to look back at the birthdays that I have had this far.
When my grandmother passed away on my birthday, when I spent my birthday overseas, when I received gifts from fellow recruits of mine in the military and etc. I was wondering who a day where my birthday wouldn’t be such a huge matter but a day where I would receive it simply and calmly, it seems like it’s slowly becoming that way.
I shall spend my birthday knowing that it will make those lots of people who wishes me happier.
I might not be perfect in the future too but I will diligently carrying out my activities knowing that those are supports from fans who wishes for me to promote with a good influence.
I love all of you.
– Ah also the gold ring mentioned in the letter is because grandpa said that he bought a mustang so it was secretly… (I am now clear about where did my dna of liking clothes come from)
Mom’s letter:
100th day since Kibummie was born!
He who was tiny has impressively grew a lot.
He would look at the object on his own, play with it and he would mutter when he gets excited too. As if he knew that people will sing for him and talk to him that he likes it even more when there’s people beside him.
I would sometimes look at his hand and play with it but today, the finger with a gold ring looks so much prettier.
Grandpa would go ‘Our toad. Our toad’ and showed his love without holding back.
Our Kibummie who is very lovable!
Do grow up healthy and bravely……